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Biggest AI Developers Unite: Biden's 'Voluntary Commitments' for AI Safety & Transparency

Discover how major AI players, including OpenAI, Anthropic, Google, Microsoft, and Amazon, have come together under Biden's
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In a fast-paced AI industry, the Biden administration is taking proactive steps to address concerns about potential unchecked advancements. Leading AI developers, including OpenAI, Anthropic, Google, Inflection, Microsoft, Meta, and Amazon, have voluntarily joined forces in pursuit of shared safety and transparency objectives. Although not legally binding, these companies have agreed to adopt essential practices, with discussions scheduled at the White House with President Biden himself.

Notably, this initiative aims to foster collaboration and information sharing, rather than enforce strict rules or regulations. While there won't be any legal repercussions for companies that choose not to fully comply, their commitments will be on public record.

Here's a rundown of the attendees at the White House event:

- Brad Smith, President, Microsoft

- Kent Walker, President, Google

- Dario Amodei, CEO, Anthropic

- Mustafa Suleyman, CEO, Inflection AI

- Nick Clegg, President, Meta

- Greg Brockman, President, OpenAI

- Adam Selipsky, CEO, Amazon Web Services

Though the list doesn't include lower-level representatives or female leaders, these seven companies, and potentially more, have made the following commitments:

1. Rigorous Security Testing: Before releasing AI systems, they will undergo internal and external security assessments, including expert "red teaming" from external sources.

2. Knowledge Sharing: They will actively share AI risk information with government, academia, and civil society, to collectively mitigate risks like "jailbreaking."

3. Cybersecurity Investment: Emphasis on cybersecurity and "insider threat safeguards" to protect private model data, preventing unauthorized access and potential malicious usage.

4. Vulnerability Reporting: Enabling third-party discovery and reporting of vulnerabilities through bug bounty programs or domain expert analysis.

5. AI Content Marking: Implementation of robust watermarking or other methods to label AI-generated content, enhancing transparency.

6. Capability Disclosure: Will report on AI systems' capabilities, limitations, and appropriate and inappropriate uses, although getting a straightforward answer may be challenging.

7. Focus on Societal Risks: Prioritizing research on addressing societal risks, including systematic bias and privacy issues.

8. AI for Social Good: Developing and deploying AI solutions to tackle significant challenges like cancer prevention and climate change, with a watchful eye on the carbon footprint of AI models.

While these commitments are voluntary, it's clear that the potential for an Executive Order (E.O.) is driving motivation. The administration is currently developing one, and it may direct agencies to closely scrutinize AI products claiming robust security if certain companies fail to comply with external security testing.

The White House is keen on staying ahead of the tech wave, having learned from past experiences with disruptive technologies like social media. President Biden and Vice President [Vice President's Name] have actively engaged with industry leaders to formulate a national AI strategy. Moreover, substantial funding is being allocated to establish new AI research centers and programs. However, the national science and research infrastructure already has a head start, as evidenced by the comprehensive research challenges and opportunities report from the DOE and National Labs.

By voluntarily aligning with shared safety and transparency goals, these major AI developers are taking a significant step towards responsible AI advancement, while the government takes proactive measures to address potential risks and challenges.

About the Author

Founder of The Geeks Den

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